The Notorious PIG – Juicy BBQ in Missoula

Distance from Mt. Forge: 1 hour & 15 minute drive
Favorite Items: EVERYTHING, especially the baked beans
Since we fly into MSO, we get the chance to eat at restaurants in Missoula every now and then. When we stayed in Montana for 3 months during the quarantine, we made the trek down to the Notorious PIG very regularly to get takeout. Their chicken dinners are massive and incredible, would recommend for a larger group. All of their beef and pork that we’ve tried are great, and their ribs are arguably the best I’ve ever had. The sides are also all very delicious. If you’re going through Missoula on your way to or from Mt. Forge, the Notorious PIG is a must stop! If you’re looking for BBQ closer to Mt. Forge please check out Cherries BBQ Pit