Garry Outlook Trail – An Unreal View Just Outside of Glacier National Park
Distance from Mt. Forge: 1 hour 45 minutes
*** Hiking Safely In Grizzly Country
Trailhead is located here
If you find yourselves, like us, in a situation where you are unable to get into Glacier National Park you can still take yourself on an amazing hike. After hiking Stanton Lake earlier in the day, we decided to pick up a second trail that was nearby. We did a little bit of research, but it was difficult to find any information on the Garry Outlook. All we knew is the location of the trailhead and that there was an outlook at the top of the hill at some point in time.
We followed the old access road about 1 mile up and then it shrinks down into a trail. The trail was relatively well maintained. We saw lots of elk droppings and also some bear sign. Once you get into the trail section, it is pretty dense and definitely has the vibe that you are in Grizzly territory. The trail switches back a couple of times and then starts to wrap around to the outlook. After about 1.5 miles of circling your way up, you’ll come to the peak where you will see the old foundation of the outlook tower, which is no longer there. The view from up here is pretty unimpressive, but there’s a secret.
There’s a trail that cuts from the old tower foundation through the trees down towards where the trail wraps around the mountain. It’s a little hard to find, but there is an outlook on this trail that is absolutely spectacular. You can see all the way to West Glacier on a good day.
The tower foundation is here
The outlook viewpoint is roughly around here
Garry Outlook Trail (minimal information)